Two Churches, One Lord

Benjamin Brophy
Benjamin Brophy
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2022


There was a time when I lost my desire for ministry. I said to myself ‘I will be a faithful member, but pastoring is nuts.’ I was not interested in pastoring in a paid or unpaid capacity. I was just done.

I had served as a lay pastor at a church in Washington, D.C. and endured three years of conflict, dispute, and impact from sin. Pastors left, members left, we left. I had experienced incredibly wonderful community at that church. We made friends for life at that church. I was hurt and I was angry. ‘No need to dive into leadership again, let’s keep all the crazy at arm’s length. Pastors be crazy.’ That was my mantra. I felt that deeply.

Enter Anacostia River Church. My family and I moved to SE DC in 2014 simply because we wanted to be in the city and that’s where we could afford to live. We didn’t know we were moving near an incredibly kind-hearted, gentle, and loving church that met 7 minutes from our new home. The pastors were a big part of that and some day I hope to write about Thabiti and Matt who were so instrumental in caring for me pastorally. But the congregation itself was a conduit of God’s grace to us. Slowly but surely, simply being among God’s people, building relationships, and reminding each other of the truths found in Scripture began to strip away layers of bitterness and hurt. I can name many names, George and Michelle, Peter, Dennis and Tarsha, Malcolm, Malcolm, Akeem, Michelle, Langston, Nick and Wensa,Deborah, Ashley, Terrance, Stephanie and so many others. This was the church that demonstrated Christ-like gentleness to me. Paul talks of loving people like a nursing mother. I experienced that at ARC. And they loved our kids. ARC was the first church where Emily really started to experience Christ’s bride. She still talks to her best buddy Maddie.

And then they graciously sent us off the Del Ray Baptist Church to do a pastoral internship.

Del Ray Baptist Church welcome us in and trained us up. The Scriptures were ever present. The pastors and the people were quick to turn to God’s Word. Yet this knowledge wasn’t dry, it was shaped by a heart for Christ and Christ’s people. This fueled the church’s support for the pastoral internship program. This is a congregation that wants to see churches built up and made healthy through the teaching of God’s Word. We were introduced to counseling through John, Danny, and Melissa. I relearned what it meant to be a pastor by watching DRBC’s elders strive to love the Lord, each other, and the congregation well week after week. I eventually was called to join their number and see first hand how deeply they longed to honor Christ by fulfilling their calling. It is rare to see a group of elders love one another and the Lord so well. We gained life long friends in Ben and Anna, Joey and Emily, Bill and Katie, Chris and Lauryn, and too many more to mention. We saw a group of elders genuinely love the Lord and each other. I had never seen a group of elders that was so humble, so willing to defer, and so unified even in disagreement. We traveled to Scotland to see people on the other side of the ocean worship our same God and proclaim the same gospel. Again and again, we watched the members of Del Ray pursue hurting sheep, care for the sick, share with one another as each had need. And then they sent us, along with 30 other members to revitalize a church in Mount Vernon, VA.

I want to be as gentle, gracious, and generous as these two church bodies. They were not stingy or tight fisted with people or resources. They gave. They gave because they knew they had a Savior who gave it all for their salvation. Neither of these congregations kept us at arms’ length, they weren’t afraid to risk hurt and loss, despite what craziness came. I needed to see, hear, and experience that. I’m grateful to God for putting us there.

They knew, deep in their bones, that there are many churches out there, but only one Lord.



I prefer being clever over intelligent. So expect social commentary, snarkiness and over the top reactions. My absurd tweets and thoughts are my own.